Photograph by Ren Wei

Photograph by Ren Wei

HKwalls Festival 2019 - Make & Do HK

Make & Do HK had the honor of being selected as one of the contributing artists for the prestigious HKwalls Festival 2019. HKwalls, a non-profit arts organization, is dedicated to providing local and international artists with opportunities to showcase their talent in Hong Kong and beyond through street art and street culture. Being part of this incredible street art festival and having the chance to create our textile art in the vibrant streets of Hong Kong during Art Month was an absolute dream come true.

Our cross-stitch artwork for the festival took a unique twist. Instead of using traditional fabric and thread, we embarked on a larger-scale project using colored rope and a metal fence as our canvas. This unconventional approach allowed us to create a visually striking piece that captivated viewers.

The artwork was created specifically for Tang Shiu Kin Victoria Government Secondary School in Wanchai. We crafted a series of five koi fish, strategically positioned as if swimming gracefully down the fence. Choosing koi fish as our theme was a deliberate decision to reflect the location and bring positive energy while promoting a sense of serenity and tranquility. The school and the Wanchai community were delighted to see the emergence of new artworks in their neighborhood, and the experience was truly rewarding for everyone involved.

We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the HKwalls Festival 2019 and to bring our creative vision to life in such a meaningful and impactful way. It was an unforgettable experience for our team, and we cherish the memories created during this remarkable event.

Photograph by Daniel Murray Studio

Photograph by Daniel Murray Studio

Photograph by Kyra Campbell

Photograph by Kyra Campbell


Workshop event at the clubhouse

We hosted a unique workshop at The Clubhouse during the festival, where we led participants in exploring the art of cross-stitch embroidery in a fresh and innovative manner. Our focus was to challenge traditional notions associated with cross-stitch and encourage participants to embrace a new perspective.

The workshop began by guiding participants in creating pixelated designs, offering a modern twist to the embroidery process. With these designs in hand, we then taught them how to translate them onto a miniature grid structure using cross-stitch techniques. By doing so, we aimed to showcase an alternative approach to design creation through embroidery.

Our intention was to inspire participants to think outside the box and view cross-stitch as a versatile and contemporary art form. We were thrilled to witness their enthusiasm and creativity flourish as they embraced this unique approach to embroidery design.


Tang Shiu Kin Victoria Government Secondary School

Teaching at Tang Shiu Kin Victoria Government Secondary School in Wanchai, was an enriching experience for Make & Do HK. We conducted a series of workshops that took students on an inspiring journey into the world of embroidery. From concept to execution, we guided the students through the entire process, elevating their embroidery skills to new heights.

Our program aimed to introduce students to subject-specific terminology, processes, and techniques involved in creating art through stitch. We provided them with the opportunity to unleash their creativity by designing their own artwork and then translating it into a prototype using the skills and techniques they had acquired. Beginning with small grids as their canvas and embroidery threads as their coloring tools, the students gained a comprehensive understanding of the entire process.

The highlight of the program was the creation of a larger-sized cross-stitch fish displayed outside on the school fence. By mastering the technique, the students were able to bring their own mini versions to life and contribute to this impressive collaborative artwork.

The workshops at Tang Shiu Kin Victoria Government Secondary School fostered a deep appreciation for embroidery as a form of artistic expression. It was a privilege to witness the students' growth and enthusiasm throughout the program.